The Optimal Transport System.

" Own your Ride "

The Optimal Transport System.

" Own your Ride "

Problem we face

Every Urbanite is the victim of Travel, Traffic, Traffic Jam in his day to day Life - Globally. Addition to this traffic related air pollution coming from evaporative emissions from vehicle, road dust, bring different health hazards.

A leafy plant
Some pointy plants

Solution we offer

Customized Roller Coaster Technology can be used in Private / Public Transportation, by erecting Tracks on Road Dividers in the congested streets / colonies / Cities and shift men / material in trolleys from one place to other.

About Roller Coaster Public Transport

“Roller Coaster Technology” is in existence in this world since long time, providing ‘Adventurous Rides’, but no-where it is used in the Public Transportation.

Customized Roller Coaster Technology can be used in Private / Public Transportation, by erecting Tracks on Road Dividers in the congested streets / colonies / Cities and shift men / material in trolleys from one place to other.

Go Driverless

Proto Type Model -- Ride Experience


Roller Coaster Technology is available in Exhibition Grounds, on the outskirts of Metro Cities - Globally

We can have Adventurous R I D E.


Simulation using V.R. – in your Mobile App. Through our Website.

Charges ₹ 10 /-

Virtual Real Time

Real Time using your location & destinations, through our Website.

Charges ₹ 100 /-

Share your Experiences and earn Rewards from time to time

People who believe, respect and see the vision can support our idea to make it a reality.

What is your personal experience in today in Travel in your Vehicle 2/3/4 Wheeler

( Home to Work Place)

Comments / Suggestions / Feedback


Designation Investment Amount
(Not refundable) Transferable
Facilities Validity for 10 Years Minimum Maintenance Charges
( like Petrol, Driver Salary, etc for present / existing Cars )
Travel Charges for "Driver Less Car - New Concept" BONUS / EQUITY
OWNER 10,00,000 Own Car Yes Yes NIL FULL
With increase in Members
Share Car 1,00,000 Share Car Yes Yes Rs.10/- per KM
(Rs.8/- per KM, in case of Advance Booking & Conformation with payment before 24 Hours)
Will be decided later
Taxi NIL NIL NIL NIL Rs.25/- per KM
(Rs.20/- per KM, in case of Advance Booking & Conformation with payment before 24 Hours)